
Being, Not Being

i have kept questioning myself about who i am and what would make me different from the others. With "Being, Not Being" i set out to confess my "dual emotion" which comes across my mind as an unsolved inner conflict. 
i have been debating whether being an ordinary person or being an extraordinary creature since i started viewing the inner "I". By standing in front of my own camera with five other girls, who are real friends of mine  and very much alike in appearance and personality, i has attempted to expose her inner conflicts to the world. 
In my visual aesthetics, the bridge piers and the six girls wearing the same clothes stand for my expectations of living in a stable life and our society that is by and by conforming to a single standard. At the same time, by using kid's props and placing conspicuously posed self, my photographs are reflecting my desire for a pure life and being myself who is able to become more independent of the environment. Through this series of works, i have visualized my monologue about hesitation in my identity and role in society.

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